Call specificities and deadlines/论文提交时间表a. The call concerns individual paper only, they will be organized in panels by the committee. 会议仅接收个人申请,并将根据个人论文摘要内容安排至相应专题。 b. The call strongly encourages proposals by graduate students. The conference will offer a young scholars plenary session including questions from scholars to students and from students to the scholars audience.” 为鼓励青年学人的参与,会议将专设一个青年学人的专题版块,由青年学人发言,所有学者都将参与讨论并给出建议。
c. Paper abstract submission deadline: 10 July 2015. 论文摘要(仅限英文)提交截止日期:2015年7月10日。 Include the following informations: Author (name, title, institution, contact), short bio (up to 150 words) 3-5 key words Paper's title Abstract (250-350 words) d. Notifications of paper acceptance : 31 July 2015. 论文确认时间:2015年7月31日
e. Full papers (in English or Chinese) submission deadline: 15 Sept. 2015 参会论文可以用英语与中文提交,提交截止日期:2015年9月15日。 |